365 famsters, 365 days, 365 places - beginning March 1, 2010
YOUR GOAL is to figure out the location of each daily picture!


1. Be the first to enter the correct location by using the comment function of this blog,
my direct email, or the facebook fan page.
2. Winners and prizes will be announced on the famsterville blog and the facebook fan page within 24 hours.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A famster named HANAHAN

HANAHAN is totally enjoying hanging out with the fam at this fam beach.
(He's not in G'ville, but IS in SC - where?)

He's looking for a good home, one within the reach of surf and sand!!!

Have you checked out all the lovely famsters at the Pickwick Pharmacy?
They have a nice selection!


  1. she's in myrtle beach. I know it!

  2. Very close, but a little further south...

  3. Charlston beach not myrtle! SORRY!
